Faculty Profile

Dr.Jalil ur Rehman
Assistant Professor
Ph. D (The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan)

Dr. Jalil ur Rehman Khan did his PhD from Department of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan through HEC Indigenous Scholarships in February, 2015. He has worked as PhD Scholar at University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer center, USA, Which is the top one cancer center in the world under HEC IRSIP Scholarship in March 2013. After completion his PhD, he  joined as Assistant Professor in Department of Physics, University of Gujrat, Gujrat in April, 2015. He has performed his duties as Assistant Professor of Physics in Department of Physics, Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences (BUITEMS), Quetta, Pakistan on regular basis from April, 2016 to February, 2020. He joined KFUEIT in February, 2020 as Assistant Professor in Department of Physics. He has delivered numerous talks at national and international conference. His research work has been published in several international and national journals. Guidance and Counseling, motivation of students, helping people, reading books and walking are the active hobbies.

  • Isa M, Rehman JU, Afzal M, Chow JC(2014). Dosimetric dependence on the collimator angle in prostate volumetric modulated arc therapy. Int J Cancer TherOncol ;2(4):020419
  • Rehman JU, Ramesh.T, M.Isa, James show, M.Azal, GS.Ibbott(2015) “Evaluations of Secondary Cancer Risk in Spine Radiotherapy using 3DCRT, IMRT and VMAT: A Phantom Study. Medical Dosimetry .40(1). 70-75.
  • Rehman JU , Tahir Iqbal, Ramesh.T, M.Isa, Abdul Majid ,  Jahenzeeb Ashraf , M.Azal and GS.Ibbott(2015) “Dosimetric comparison among different Head and Neck radiotherapy techniques using PRESAGE® Dosimeter” Int J Cancer TherOncol ;3(4):349-355.
  • Isa M, Rehman JU, Afzal M, Chow JC(2016). Dosimetric and radiobiological characterizations of prostate IMRT and VMAT: A single-institution review of 90 cases; Journal of Medical Physics. 41(3) 163-168.
  • H M Noor ul Huda Khan Asghar, Zaheer Abbas Gilani, Rehman JU et.al (2016).  A Diagonosing case of the eye and orbital tumor through B-scan. Sci.Int.(Lahore), 28(4), 3345-3348.
  • Z.Gilani, N.Anjum, A.Khan, M.Shahid, Rehman JU, H.M.N.Asghar, M.N.Usmani and F.Warsi, (2017) ‘Morphological and magnetic behavior of neodymium doped LiNi0.5Fe2O4 nanocrystalline ferrites prepared via micro-emulsion technique. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures 12(1), 223 – 228.
  • H MN.Asghar, P.Wang, Z.A.Gilani, Rehman JU,Yi et.al (2017): Redistribution of Carbon from Silicon by Electron Beam Melting: Digest Journal of Nanomaterials and Biostructures , 12( 3), 785 – 795 .
  • Nisar Ahmad, Rehman JU, Muhammad Rafique, Tabassum Nasir (2017). An overview of radon concentration in Malaysia.Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences.10 (4). 327-330.
  • A.K.Khan, H.M.N Asghar, Z.A. Gilani, Rehman JU et.al. (2017), A comparitive study of 16-frame and 8-frame gated spect imaging for determination of left ventricular volumes and ejection fraction. Sci.Int. (Lahore), 19(4), 847-855.
  • A.Rehman, N.Anjum,M. Hassan , Z.AGilani, , Rehman JU, H.M.N Khan,(2017)Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity of  Hydrothermally Synthesized  Zirconium dioxide Nanoparticles. 42 (11), Interciencia Journal.
  • Z.A.Gilani, M.S. Shifa, K.Ajmal, H.M.N. Khan,N.Ahmad, Rehman JU, S. Aslam, M.U.Usmani (2017):Measurement  of ambient gamma radiation levels at different localities of Quetta, Pakistan. 42(11), Interciencia Journal.
  • Rehman JU, Isa M, Ahmad N, Nasar G, Khan HNUHA, GilaniZA, Chow JC, Afzal M, Ibbott GS. (2018).Dosimetric, Radiobiological and Secondary Cancer Risk Evaluation In Head-And-Neck Three-Dimensional Conformal Radiation Therapy, Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy, And Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: A phantom study. Journal of Medical Physics. 43(2):129.
  • Afsheen S, Tahir MB, Iqbal T, Firdous S, Rehman JU, Khan HNUHA..Abrar M, Naeem M, Rafique MS(2018) : Morphological, structural and hardness changes of human dental enamel irradiated with a Nd: YAG laser. Laser Physics. 28(12):126004.
  • H,M.N Khan, Shi S, Jiang D, Tan Y, Rehman JU, Gilani ZA, An G, Guo X, Li P. (2018). Improvement of Solar Cell Performance After Oxygen Removal by Electron Beam Melting. Silicon. 10(5):1887-1891.
  • H.M.N.Khan, M.S.Shifa , Z.A. Gilani , A.Ali , K.Mahmood ,  Rehman JU , M.N.Usmani , P.Wang , S. Q. Shi , D.Jiang , Yi Tan. (2018).   Mechanism of the effect of electron beam melting on the distribution of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon in silicon, International Journal of material research  110(5). 478-480 (DOI 10.3139/146.111736 .
  • Ahmad N,  Rehman JU, Rafique M, Nasir T.(2018).  Age-dependent annual effective dose estimations of 226Ra, 232Th, 40K and 222Rn from drinking water in Baling, Malaysia. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. 18(1):32-39.
  • Gilani Z, Shifa M, Chandio A, Usmani M, Asghar H, Huda U, Aslam S, Khalid M, Perveen A, Rehman JU. (2018). Thermogravimetric Analysis, Optical and Dielectric Properties af newly Developed LiNi (0.5) PrxFe (2)-xO (4) Nanocrystalline ferrites. Digest journal of nanomaterials and biostructures.13(3):809-816.
  • Munir M, Khan MI, Iqbal T, Abrar M, Tahir MB, Rehman JU, IjazM,Nabi G. (2018).  Efficient bio-sensing through 1D Silver Nanostructured Devices Using Plasmonic Effect. Nanotechnology. 29 (38):1-13.
  • Rehman JU, Zahra, Ahmad N, Khalid M, Gilani ZA, Ullah I, Nasar G, Akhtar MM, Usmani MN. (2018). Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy: A Review of Current Practice and Future Outlooks. Journal of Radiation Research and Applied Sciences. 11(4):361-367.
  • Rehman JU, Isa M, Ahmad N, Gilani ZA, Chow JC, Afzal M, Ibbott GS. (2018). QualityAssurance Of Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Head and Neck Cancer Treatment using PRESAGE® dosimeter. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice. 17(4):441-446.
  • Aziz A, Khalid M, Akhtar MS, Nadeem M, Gilani Z, Asghar HUHK, Rehman JU, Ullah Z, Saleem M.(2018).  Structural, Morphological and Optical Investigations of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Sol-Gel Auto-Combustion Method. Digest Journal of Nanomaterials&Biostructures (DJNB).13(3).679-683.
  • Rehman JU, Syed Z, Hussain G, Ahmad N, Gilani ZA, H.M.Noor, Akhter MM, Isa M, Iqbal T. (2019).  Dose Verification of Volumetric-Modulated Arc Therapy Using One-Dimensional And Two-Dimensional Dosimeters. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice.18 (3), 304-308.
  • Khan MI, Tahir MB, Rafique M, Iqbal T, Zulfiqar S, Zahoor A, Rehman JU , Iqbal K, Chow J.(2019). Commissioning and Evaluation of ARadiochromic Ebt3 Film Dosimetry System. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice.  18(1), 55-62.
  • Isa Khan M, Shakil M, Tahir MB, Rafique M, Iqbal T, Zahoor A, Rehman JU, Iqbal K, Chow JC. (2019) Selection of gamma analysis acceptance criteria in IMRT QA using Gafchromic EBT3 film dosimetry. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice: 18(2). Page127-131.
  • Zahra, Rehman JU, Noor ul Huda Khan Asghar HM, Ahmad N, Gilani ZA, Nasar G, Akhter MM. (2019) Quality assurance of intensity modulated radiation therapy treatment planning using head and neck phantom. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice: 18(3), 239-245.
  • Ahmad, N., Rehman J, Rehman JU, &Nasar, G. (2019). Assessments of 226Ra and 222Rn concentration in well and tap water from Sik, Malaysia, and consequent dose estimates. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal.25 (7), 1697-1706.
  • Ahmad, N,Rehman JU,  Rehman, J., &Nasar, G. (2019). Effect of geochemical properties (pH, conductivity, TDS) on natural radioactivity and dose estimation in water samples in Kulim, Malaysia. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal, 25 (7), 1688-1696.
  • Aslam, S., ShahzadShifa, M., Abbas Gilani, Z., Noor ul Huda Khan Asghar, H. M., NaumanUsmani, M., Rehman JU. Khalid, M. (2019). Structural, optical and magnetic elucidation of co-doped of Nd+3 and Pr+3 on lithium nanoferrites and its technological application. Results in Physics, 12(1), 1334-1339.
  • Ahmad, N,Rehman JU,  et al. (2019). Evaluation of radon concentration and heavy metals in drinking water and their health implications to the population of Quetta, Balochistan,Pakistan.InternationalJournalofEnvironmentalAnalyticalChemistry,100(1),32-41.
  • Furhaj A, Khalid M, S.Shifa, H.M.N. Asghar, Aslam.S, Rehman JU.  Z.A. Gilani. (2019). Effects of bismuth on structural and dielectric properties of cobalt-cadmium spinel ferrites fabricated via micro-emulsion route.Chin. Phys.28 (8). DOI: 10.1088/1674-1056/28/8/088701
  • Ahmad, N,Rehman JU,  et al. (2019)Risk assessment of radon in soil collected from chromite mines of Khanozai and Muslim Bagh, Balochistan, Pakistan: Environmental Technology & Innovation , 16(1),  100476.
  • Z.Ahmed, M.Akhtar, A.K.Kasi, M.Ehsan, M.Ibrahim, R.Akhtar, Jalil Ur Rehman(2019)“Evaluation of Groundwater Vulnerability to Contamination by Drastic Risk Mapping in Quetta Valley, Balochistan" Bahria University Research Journal of Earth Sciences (BURJES) Vol. 4, Issue 2. 2019
  • Ayesha P, H. M.  Asghar, M. Khalid, Rehman JUetal.  (2019)Dielectric, impedance and modulus spectroscopic studies of Co0.3Cd0.7Zn1.5xFe2−xO4 nanoparticles. Applied Physics A (2019) 125 (10)  DOI: 10.1007/s00339-019-3029-3
  • Iftikhar A, JU Rehman*, Nisar A, Alia N, Aslam H and Altaf H. (2020).  An overview on the concentration of radioactive elements and physiochemical analysis of soil and water in Iraq.Rev Environ Health:  35 (2) 147–155: https://doi.org/10.1515/reveh-2019-0070.
  • Gulfam N,  Azhar K , Qaisar N , Hazrat A, Nisar A, J. Rehman,  Uzma K ,  Saleem K: (2020)Silver-polymer nanocomposites: Structural, thermal and electromechanical elucidation for charge storage applications: Measurement 156 (1) : 107615.
  • JU Rehman*, N. Ahmad, I.Alam, H.Ullah(2020) Health risks in different age group of Nitrate in Spring Water used for drinking in Harnai, Balochistan, Pakistan: Ecology of Food and Nutrition, 1(1), 1-10:  https://doi.org/10.1080/03670244.2020.1737044.
  • JU Rehman*,Iftikhar A, Nisar A, Alia N. (2020).  A review on radiometric assessment and excess lifetime cancer risk of soil in Pakistan.Rev Environ Health:doi: 10.1515/reveh-2019-0094
  • Aslam H, S.Nazir, JU Rehman*,Iftikhar A, Nisar A, Alia N. (2020). Assessment of health hazards related to contaminations of fluorides, nitrates, and nitrites in drinking water of Vehari, Punjab, Pakistan. HUMAN AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT https://doi.org/10.1080/10807039.2020.1858021
  • Aslam H,JU Rehman*, Nisar A, Alia N, Iftikhar A, and Altaf H. (2021). An overview- Comparison of natural radioactivity in soil in different geological regions of Iran .Under review
  • Iftikhar A, JU Rehman, Nisar A, Alia N. (2021). Health Risk Assessment of Nitrate, Nitrite and Fluoride in Drinking Water in Different Age-Group in Ahmadpur East, Pakistan". Human and Ecological Risk Assessment: An International Journal. under review

  • Six years research experience of post PhD  in the field of  medical physics, quality assurance of radiotherapy using different dosimeter : TLD Dosimeter, Film Dosimeter , PRESAGE® Dosimeter, radiation physics, environmental Physics,  Nanomagnetism and Nanomaterials: Metal Oxides: Soft and hard ferrites, Magnetic and Dielectric Materials Characterization for variety of applications such as: Medical diagnosis and treatment , Memory devices, Data Storage Devices

  • Department of Physics, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Department of Radiation Physics, University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
  • Department of Physics, BUITEMS, Quetta, Pakistan
  • Khwaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology,RYK