Faculty Profile

Dr. Muhammad Saqib
Assistant Professor
PhD (Analytical Chemistry), University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing China; Post Doctorate, SUSTech (China), Post Doctorate, CIAC-CAS (China)

Dr.Muhammad Saqib received his M.Sc. (Analytical Chemistry) and M.Phil.(Analytical/Inorganic Chemistry) degrees from University of Gujrat andUniversity of Sargodha, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in AnalyticalChemistry from University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing (undersupervision of Prof. Guobao Xu at the State Key Laboratory of ElectroanalyticalChemistry, Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy ofSciences), China. He then worked as an Assistant Professor at the SulaimanBin Abdullah Aba Al-Khail-Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in BasicScience (SA-CIRBS), International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan. Hefinished his 1st postdoctoral research in Prof. Yongdong Jin’slab at the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy ofSciences (CIAC, CAS) followed by a 2nd postdoctoral work withProf. Rui Hao at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech)China. During his career, he has won various prestigious fellowships includingCAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship for PhD and CAS President's InternationalFellowship Initiative (PIFI) for Post Doc. He has published >60research papers in impact factor (IF) research journals of international reputewith accumulative IF of above 315 (2023 JCR IF). He has applied for >02International Patents. He has won prestigious National Natural Science Fund ofChina, Research Fund for Young International Scientists as a PrincipalInvestigator (PI). He has attended significant number of conferences, summercamps, symposium and workshops about his field.


  1. Muhammad Saqib, Yunshan Fan, Rui Hao*, Bo Zhang. Optical imaging of nanoscaleelectrochemical interfaces in energy applications. Nano Energy, 2021, 90 (Part A), 106539.
  2. Muhammad Saqib, Shahida Bashir, Haijuan Li, Chuanping Li, ShanshanWang, Yongdong Jin*. Efficient electrogenerated chemiluminescence oftris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) with N-hydroxysulfosuccinimideas a coreactant for selective and sensitive detection of L-proline and mercury(II). Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91 (19), 12517-12524.
  3. Muhammad Saqib, ShahidaBashir, Haijuan Li, Shanshan Wang, Yongdong Jin*.Lucigenin-tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine chemiluminescence for selective andsensitive detection of TCEP, superoxide dismutase, mercury (II), and dopamine. AnalyticalChemistry, 2019, 91 (4), 3070-3077.
  4. Muhammad Saqib, LimingQi, Pan Hui, Anaclet Nsabimana, Mohamed Ibrahim Halawa, Wei Zhang*, Guobao Xu*.Development of a new luminol-N-hydroxyphthalimideCL system for the highly selective and sensitive detection of superoxidedismutase, uric acid and Co2+, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2018, 99, 519-524.
  5. Muhammad Saqib, Shahida Bashir, Shimeles AddisuKitte, Haijuan Li, Yongdong Jin*. Acridine orange as a coreactant for efficientelectrogenerated chemiluminescence of tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) andits use for selective and sensitive detection of thiourea. ChemicalCommunications, 2020, 56 (38), 5154-5157.
  6. Muhammad Saqib, Shahida Bashir, Shimeles AddisuKitte, Haijuan Li, Yongdong Jin*. High-efficiency cathodicelectrochemiluminescence of the tris(2,2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II)/N-hydroxycompound system and its use for sensitive “turn-on” detection of mercury(II)and methyl blue. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56 (12),1827-1830.
  7. Jiaxin Mao#, Guopeng Li#, MuhammadSaqib#, Jiantie Xu, Rui Hao*. Super-resolved dynamics ofisolated zinc formation during extremely fast electrochemicaldeposition/dissolution processes. Chemical Science, 2022, 13,12782-12790.
  8. Muhammad Saqib, Baohua Lou, Mohamed IbrahimHalawa, Shimeles Addisu Kitte, Zhongyuan Liu, Guobao Xu*. Chemiluminescence oflucigenin-allantoin and its application for the detection of allantoin. AnalyticalChemistry, 2017, 89 (3), 1863–1869.
  9. Muhammad Saqib, Wenyue Gao, Jianping Lai, LimingQi, Saadat Majeed, MR Gilani, Guobao Xu*. Hydroxylamine-O-sulfonic acidas an efficient coreactant for luminol chemiluminescence for selective andsensitive detection. Chemical Communications, 2015, 51 (30),6536-6539.
  10. Muhammad Saqib, Jianping Lai, Jianming Zhao,Suping Li, Guobao Xu*. Bipolar electrochemical approach with a thin layer ofsupporting electrolyte towards the growth of self-organizing TiO2nanotubes. ChemElectroChem, 2016, 3 (3), 360-365. (Inside Front Cover + Cover Profile).
  11. Muhammad Saqib*, Shahida Bashir, Sajjad Ali, RuiHao. Highly selective and sensitive detection of mercury (II) and dopaminebased on the efficient electrochemiluminescence of Ru(bpy)32+with acridine orange as a coreactant. Journal of ElectroanalyticalChemistry, 2022, 906, 115896.
  12. Muhammad Saqib, Suping Li, Wenyue Gao, SaadatMajeed, Liming Qi, Zhongyuan Liu, Guobao Xu*. N-hydroxysuccinimide as aneffective chemiluminescence coreactant for highly selective and sensitivedetection. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408(30), 8851-8857.
  13. Hongcheng Yang#, Muhammad Saqib#,Rui Hao*. Single-Entity Detection with TEM-Fabricated Nanopores. Frontiersin Chemistry, 2021, 9 (305), 664820.
  14. Xianqi Ye#, Muhammad Saqib#,Jiaxin Mao, Guopeng Li, Rui Hao*. Spatiotemporally super-resolved dendritesnucleation and early-stage growth dynamics in Zinc-ion batteries. CellReports Physical Science, 2021, 2 (5), 100420.
  15. Muhammad Saqib*, Shahid Iqbal, Asif Mahmood,Raheel Akram. Theoretical investigation for exploring the antioxidant potentialof chlorogenic acid: a density functional theory study. InternationalJournal of Food Properties, 2015, 19 (4), 745-751.
  16. Muhammad Saqib*, Muhammad Sagir, Munawar LalJoshi, Shahida Bashir, Mohamed Ibrahim Halawa, Saman Ali, Hosam O Elansary,Ghulam Mustafa Kamal. Screening and designing of a large chemical space oforganic semiconductors for photodetectors. Materials Today Communications,2024, 38, 108062.
  17. Muhammad Saqib*, Mashal Rani, Tayyaba Mubashir,Mudassir Hussain Tahir, Momina Maryam, Afifa Mushtaq, Rafia Razzaq, Mohamed AEl-Sheikh, Hosam O Elansary. Designing of low band gap organic semiconductorsthrough data mining from multiple databases and machine learning assistedproperty prediction. Optical Materials, 2024, 150, 115295.
  18. Muhammad Saqib, Shahid Iqbal, Sumaira Naeem, AsifMahmood*. DFT for exploring the antioxidant potential of homogentisic andorsellinic acids. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,2013, 26 (6), 1209-1214.
  19. Muhammad Saqib, Muhammad Waseem Mumtaz, AsifMahmood*, Muhammad Imran Abdullah. Optimized biodiesel production andenvironmental assessment of produced biodiesel. Biotechnology andBioprocess Engineering, 2012, 17 (3), 617-623.
  20. Jianping Lai, Suping Li, Fengxia Wu, Muhammad Saqib,Rafael Luque*, Guobao Xu*. Unprecedented metal-free 3D porous carbonaceouselectrodes for full water splitting. Energy & Environmental Science,2016, 9 (4), 1210-1214. (Selected as Front Cover).
  21. Xin Zhao, Yanyan Li, Yu Cui, Muhammad Saqib, XinyuZhang*, Rui Hao*, Zhiping Zheng*. Spatiotemporally and chemically resolvedimaging of electrocatalytic oxygen evolution on single nanoplates ofcobalt-layered hydroxide. Journal of the American Chemical Society,2023, 145 (38), 20897-20906.
  22. Muhammad Saqib*, Mariam Zafar, Mohamed IbrahimHalawa, Shahzad Murtaza, Ghulam Mustafa Kamal, Guobao Xu. NanoscaleLuminescence Imaging/Detection of Single Particles: State-of-the-Art and FutureProspects. ACS Measurement Science Au, 2024, 4 (1), 3-24. (2023 Rising Star Virtual Collection)
  23. Yu Cui#, Xin Zhao#, MuhammadSaqib#, Rui Hao*. Multimode imaging analysis of single particlesat the electrochemical interfaces. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry,2024, 46, 101527.
  24. Fatimah Mohammed A. Alzahrani, Muhammad Saqib*,Maria Arooj, Tayyaba Mubashir, Mudassir Hussain Tahir, Z.A. Alrowaili, M.S.Al-Buriahi. Virtual screening of efficient building blocks and designing of newpolymers for organic solar cells. Journal of Physics and Chemistry ofSolids, 2023, 178, 111340.
  25. Jehad Saleh, Sajjad Haider, Muhammad Saeed Akhtar, MuhammadSaqib*, Muqadas Javed, Sayed Elshahat, Ghulam Mustafa Kamal. Energy levelprediction of organic semiconductors for photodetectors and mining of aphotovoltaic database to search for new building units. Molecules,2023, 28 (3), 1240.
  26. Nada Alfryyan, Muhammad Saqib*, Saman Ali, TayyabaMubashir, Mudassir Hussain Tahir, ZA Alrowaili, MS Al-Buriahi. Designing ofnear-IR organic semiconductors for photodetectors: Machine learning and datamining assisted efficient pipeline. Materials Today Communications,2023, 36, 106556.
  27. Nada Alfryyan, Muhammad Saqib*, Muhammad ArsalFarooq, Muhammad Ali, Tayyaba Mubashir, Mudassir Hussain Tahir, ZA Alrowaili,MS Al-Buriahi. Virtual mining of polymer monomers for photodetectorsapplication and regression-aided reorganization energy prediction. ChemicalPhysics Letters, 2023, 827, 140689.
  28. Khadijah Mohammedsaleh Katubi, Muhammad Saqib*,Momina Maryam, Tayyaba Mubashir, Mudassir Hussain Tahir, Muhammad Sulaman, ZAAlrowaili, MS Al-Buriahi. Machine learning assisted designing of organicsemiconductors for organic solar cells: High-throughput screening andreorganization energy prediction. Inorganic Chemistry Communications,2023, 151, 110610.
  29. Khadijah Mohammedsaleh Katubi, Muhammad Saqib*,Amna Rehman, Shahzad Murtaza, Shabbir Hussain, ZA Alrowaili, MS Al-Buriahi.Theoretical designing of small molecule donors for organic solar cells:Analyzing the effect of molecular polarity through structural engineering atterminal position. Chemical Physics Letters, 2023, 814, 140349.
  30. Haihan He#, Chuhong Wu#, MuhammadSaqib#, Rui Hao*. Single-molecule fluorescence methods forprotein biomarker analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry,2023, 415 (18), 3655-3669.
  31. Mohamed Ibrahim Halawa*, Muhammad Saqib*.Amplified electrochemiluminescence of the luminol-amisulpride system and itsapplication for the ultrasensitive detection of amisulpride. ChemistrySelect,2023, 8 (18), e202300317.
  32. Fatimah Mohammed A Alzahrani, Muhammad Sagir, MuhammadSaqib*, Shahida Bashir, Tayyaba Sarwar, Shabbir Hussain, Shahzad Murtaza,Afifa Mushtaq, Rafia Razzaq, ZA Alrowaili, MS Al-Buriahi. Machine learningassisted prediction of band gaps and designing of new polymers forphotodetectors: A complete pipeline. Computational Materials Science,2024, 239, 112961.
  33. Muhammad Sagir#, Muhammad Saqib#,Muhammad Bilal Tahir, Shabbir Hussain*, Laiba Javed#, Uzma Shoukat,Muhammad Khalid*, Ataualpa A.C. Braga, Sami Ullah, Mohammed Ali Assiri.Exploaration of the Influence of End-capped Structural Modification onPhotovoltaic Properties of Selenopheno-thiophene Core based Non-fullereneChromophores: A DFT Study. Synthetic Metals, 2024, 306, 117620.
  34. Shoaib Tariq, Muhammad Tahir, Iqra Shafiq, MuhammadSaqib*, Saadia Haq, Hina Aftab, Muhammad Imran*, Zahid Shafiq*. Explorationof Key Electronic Properties and Optical Nonlinearity of Diamine Based SchiffBases: Spectroscopic Characterization and DFT Study. Journal of MolecularStructure, 2024, 1308, 138135.
  35. Muhammad Saqib*, Tayyaba Mubashir, MudassirHussain Tahir, Muqadas Javed, Asima Hameed, Asad Aziz. Designing ofbenzofuran-based monomers for photodetectors through similarity analysis andlibrary enumeration. Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2023,36 (10), e4553.
  36. Fei Xiao, Muhammad Saqib*, Soha Razzaq, TayyabaMubashir, Mudassir Hussain Tahir, Ihab Mohamed Moussa, Hosam O El-Ansary.Performance prediction of polymer-fullerene organic solar cells and datamining-assisted designing of new polymers. Journal of Molecular Modeling,2023, 29 (8), 1-12.
  37. Khadijah Mohammedsaleh Katubi, Muhammad Saqib*,Muhammad Sulaman, ZA Alrowaili, MS Al-Buriahi. Designing high-efficiencyorganic semi-conductors for organic photodetectors assisted by machine learningand property prediction. Chemical Physics, 2024, 582, 112295.
  38. Kateryna Muzyka, Muhammad Saqib, Zhongyuan Liu,Wei Zhang*, Guobao Xu*. Progress and challenges in electrochemiluminescentaptasensors. Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 92, 241-258.
  39. Mohamed Ibrahim Halawa, Muhammad Saqib, WeihaoLei, Lei Su*, Xueji Zhang*. Zirconium-directed supramolecular self-assembly ofcoenzyme A@GNCs with enhanced phosphorescence for developing ultrasensitivetracer probe of dipicolinic acid, a biomarker of bacterial spores. AnalyticalChemistry, 2023, 95 (29), 11164–11171.
  40. Mohamed Ibrahim Halawa, Muhammad Saqib, WenyueGao, Liming Qi, Wei Zhang*, Guobao Xu*. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate assay based onlucigenin chemiluminescence. Microchimica Acta, 2018, 185,381-388.
  41. Wenyue Gao, Muhammad Saqib, Liming Qi, Wei Zhang*,Guobao Xu*. Recent advances in electrochemiluminescence devices forpoint-of-care testing. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2017,3, 4-10.
  42. Mohamed Ibrahim Halawa, Wenyue Gao, Muhammad Saqib,Shimeles Addisu Kitte, Guobao Xu*. Sensitive detection of alkaline phosphataseby switching on gold nanoclusters fluorescence quenched by pyridoxal phosphate.Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2017, 95, 8-14.
  43. Shanshan Wang, Chuanping Li, Muhammad Saqib,Guohua Qi, Chunhua Ge, Haijuan Li, Yongdong Jin*. Quasi-photonic crystallight-scattering signal amplification of SiO2-nanomembrane forultrasensitive electrochemiluminescence detection of cardiac troponin I. AnalyticalChemistry, 2020, 92 (1), 845-852.
  44. Saima Hanif, Peter John, Wenyue Gao, Muhammad Saqib,Liming Qi, Guobao Xu*. Chemiluminescence of creatinine/H2O2/Co2+and its application for selective creatinine detection. Biosensors andBioelectronics, 2016, 75, 347-351.
  45. Shimeles Addisu Kitte, Terefe Tafese, Chen Xu, MuhammadSaqib, Haijuan Li, Yongdong Jin*. Plasmon-enhanced quantum dotselectrochemiluminescence aptasensor for selective and sensitive detection ofcardiac troponin I. Talanta, 2021, 221, 121674.
  46. Chuanping Li, Shanshan Wang, Haijuan Li, MuhammadSaqib, Chen Xu, Yongdong Jin*. Nanoengineered metasurface immunosensor withover 1000-fold electrochemiluminescence enhancement for ultra-sensitivebioassay. iScience, 2019, 17, 267-276.
  47. Guopeng Li, Jiaxin Mao, Muhammad Saqib, Rui Hao*.Operando optoelectrochemical analysis of single zinc dendrites with areflective nanopore electrode. Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2022,17(22), e202200824.
  48. Raheel Akram, Anila Arshad*, Muhammad Saqib.Fluorescein isothiocyanate-tagged boronic acid sensor-based pH-dependentdiscerning tannic acid detection. Journal of the Chinese ChemicalSociety, 2023, 70 (10), 1908-1915.
  49. Shanshan Wang, Yangyang Zhao, Minmin Wang, Haijuan Li*, MuhammadSaqib, Chunhua Ge, Xiangdong Zhang, Yongdong Jin*. Enhancing luminolelectrochemiluminescence by combined use of cobalt-based MOF and silvernanoparticles and its application in ultrasensitive detection of cardiactroponin I. Analytical Chemistry, 2019, 91 (4), 3048-3054.
  50. Muhammad Khalid*, Muhammad Sagir, Muhammad Zahid, SaraFigueirêdo de Alcântara Morais, Muhammad Saqib, Sami Ullah, KhurramShahzad Munawar, Ataualpa A. C. Braga, Mohammed Ali Assiri. A theoreticalexpedition for enhancing photovoltaic performance: DFT investigation ofbenzo[c][1,2,5] thiadiazole-based scaffolds for organic solar cells. Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63 (6), 2726–2739.
  51. Suping Li, Jianping Lai, Liming Qi, Muhammad Saqib,Saadat Majeed, Yuejing Tong*, Guobao Xu*. Sensitive and selective colorimetricdetection of Hg2+ by a Hg2+ induced dual signalamplification strategy based on cascade-type catalytic reactions. Analyst,2016, 141 (8), 2362-2366.
  52. Muhammad Ramzan Saeed Ashraf Janjua, Ahmad Irfan, MohamedHussien, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Saqib, Muhammad Sulaman*.Machine-learning analysis of small-molecule donors for fullerene based organicsolar cells. Energy Technology, 2022, 10 (5), 2200019.
  53. Zhongyuan Liu, Wei Zhang, Wenjing Qi, Wenyue Gao, SaimaHanif, Muhammad Saqib, Guobao Xu*. Label-free signal-on ATP aptasensorbased on the remarkable quenching of tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(ii)electrochemiluminescence by single-walled carbon nanohorn. ChemicalCommunications, 2015, 51 (20), 4256-4258.
  54. Ghulam Mustafa Kamal*, Nafia Nazi, Asma Sabir, MuhammadSaqib, Xu Zhang*, Bin Jiang, Jallat Khan, Ayesha Noreen, Jalal Uddin,Shahzad Murtaza. Yield and chemical composition of ginger essential oils asaffected by inter-varietal variation and drying treatments of rhizome. Separations,2023, 10 (3), 186.
  55. Shabbir Hussain*, Rabia Kiran, Muhammad Ahmad, MuhammadSaqib, Khurram Shahzad Munawar, Muhammad Shahid, Muhammad Waqas, ShazmaMassey, Rifat Jawaria, Rabia Baby. Synthesis, spectroscopy and biologicalstudies of triphenyltin (IV) derivatives with carboxylated Schiff bases. Journalof the Iranian Chemical Society, 2023, 20, 1191–1203.
  56. Saadat Majeed, Dan Li, Wenyue Gao, Jianping Lai, LimingQi, Muhammad Saqib, Guobao Xu*. Aqueous synthesis of tunable highlyphotoluminescent CdTe quantum dots using rongalite and bioimaging application. ChineseJournal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, 43 (12), e101–e107.
  57. Muhammad Saqib*, Asif Mahmood, Raheel Akram, BilalKhalid, Saad Afzal, Ghulam Mustafa Kamal. Density functional theory forexploring the structural characteristics and their effects on the antioxidantproperties. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Applied Chemistry,2015, 1 (2), 65-71.
  58. Raheel Akram, Muhammad Saqib*, Bilal Khalid, AnilaArshad. Effects of extraction media and techniques on the antioxidantproperties and recovery of phenolics from roots of glycyrrhiza glabra. Journalof Molecular Pathophysiology, 2015, 4 (4), 138-143.
  59. Asif Mahmood*, Muhammad Saqib, Muhammad Ali,Muhammad Imran Abdullah, Bilal Khalid. Theoretical investigation for thedesigning of novel antioxidants. Canadian Journal of Chemistry,2013, 91 (2), 126-130.
  60. Muhammad Yasir Akram*, Tuba Ashraf, Muhammad SaqafJagirani, Ahsan Nazir, Muhammad Saqib, Muhammad Imran*. Recent Advancesin Graphene-Based Single-Atom Photocatalysts for CO2 Reduction and H2Production. Catalysts, 2024, 14 (6), 343.

  • Biosensing/ Detection: Novel chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence methods for diagnostic/(bio-)analytical applications (immunoassay, biomarkers, heavy metal ions, dyes, drugs detection etc.)
  • Optical Imaging: Optical microscopy (e.g., electrochemiluminescence microscopy) for opto-electrochemical analysis of single particles for energy/ diagnostic applications
  • Machine Learning/ DFT: Density functional theory and machine learning assisted screening/ designing of high-performance compounds for broader applications (e.g., photovoltaics, batteries etc.)
  • Bipolar Electrochemistry/ Electrocatalysis: Electrocatalysis for water splitting applications (HER, OER). Bipolar electrochemistry for growth of materials and analytical applications

  • Rising Star 2023 inMeasurement Science, ACS Measurement Science Au 01/2024
  • Post-doctorate Fellowshipof Southern University of Science and Technology 05/2020
  • CAS President'sInternational Fellowship Initiative (PIFI) 01/2018
  • CAS-TWAS President’sFellowship for PhD studies 07/2017
  • Chinese GovernmentScholarship for PhD studies 07/2017
  • Merit Scholarships

  • The Chemical Society of Pakistan (CSP)
  • Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
  • The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS)